Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A night after

Draco is fineeeeee... teeheeeepaw

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Get Stung by A Bee

As usual Draco always plays at the roof top every evening.  Normally he just like a thunder bolt, jump on either of us and running around.  Today his sharp eyes caught on a bee on the floor and without warning he tried to bite it.

We thought he was OK, but a couple hours later he become so quiet. At the beginning I was actually happy, thinking that there IS a hope to have a calm silent dog.. but then we realize he acted really un-normal; no bark for the last 2 hours, his ears, face and his front paws are warm.  Then Han saw right part of Draco's mouth was swollen and his right eye was red.

After a click on Google on how to treat your dog if stung by a bee, we put ice cubs around the swollen area and he kinda like it.  Tried to find the stinger but couldn't find it
Draco is sleeping right now and we'll see tomorrow, hopefully the swollen is gone.  paw


Draco's been a little bit gloomy lately, so yesterday we decided to take him out to local airport and let him sniffing and exploring around. He had so much fun chasing a group of annoying little dogs and walking on the dirt and grass. He behaved perfectly calm when a bunch of biker passed us that evening. paw

Monday, July 18, 2011

Thursday, July 07, 2011


Just being obsessed with Draco's snout... paw

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Introducing Winston Churchill

Remember we had 3 puppies last year? Well, they all have been adopted by different families sometime in January. This year we had another puppy - the only child of the oldest chihuahua, Bule.  Everyone called him Kancil (Mouse deer) but I call him Winston Churchill. Tiny pup needs bigger name than his head.

He spent one night at our place, slept in my gym bag holding my piggy soft toy. Such a cute fur-ball. He could just jump everywhere for 1 minutes then suddenly fell a sleep for half an hour then jumping again and started that time cycle the whole day.
Draco was excited to have a play date but we think he is just too big for Churchill, he was soaking wet just a minute after Draco sniffed and licked him.

I really hope that he will stay with us...  paw